Saturday 4 August 2018


Directed by Gottfried Reinhardt in 1961 "Town Without Pity" is a thoroughly nasty sleaze-fest in which Kirk Douglas plays an American army officer in Germany tasked with defending 4 soldiers who have raped a young German girl played by Christine Kaufmann. Two of the soldiers are Robert Blake, (dreadful), and Richard Jaeckel and E G Marshall is wasted as the prosecutor. Purporting to adopt a moral stance in exploring the hypocrisy and small-mindedness of the townspeople the film is actually no better than a piece of tabloid journalism, (the defence is basically that the girl was asking for it!). Even the Oscar-nominated title song, as sung by Gene Pithney, feels cheap and out of place as does Dimitri Tiomkin's appallingly emphatic score. This is the kind of film that leaves a very bad taste in the mouth. Avoid.

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