Saturday 4 August 2018


 Trash, from a book by John O'Hara, of the kind that was popular in the late '50's and early 60's, (this one dates from 1965). The underused and usually reliable Suzanne Pleshette was the tramp, (aka nymphomaniac) who goes from man to man the way some folks go from store to store when on a shopping spree. The shopping spree Suzanne is on is to find a man who will satisfy her and some of those whose lives she ruins include Bradford Dillman, (she marries him; how low can you get!); Ben Gazzara, (he hits the bottle and any woman who comes within arm's reach) and Peter Graves, before he learned to fly and started watching gladiator pictures. It's certainly watchable as long as you have low expectations though Walter Grauman's direction is perhaps a little pedestrian. Still the awful dialogue and the bad acting are to die for and it is something of a camp delight.

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