Tuesday 21 August 2018

THE PURGE no stars

The idea behind "The Purge" is so in-your-face simple I'm amazed it hasn't been done before, (well, it has actually, in everything from "The Night of the Living Dead" to "Assault on Precinct 13").  It's set in the America of 2022 when virtually all crime has been eliminated except for one night of the year when the Government allow people to kill whoever they wish without fear of prosecution; in other words, purging themselves of all aggression and releasing the beast within. It's a scary idea but it's not really a scary film as Ethan Hawkes and family find themselves besieged in their well-fortified home as murderous gangs gather outside. There's nothing original here; in one form or another this is a plot that has been flogged to death. It has its moments but they are few; a good idea, badly executed.

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