Sunday 12 August 2018


Of all the movies that made up what came to be known as New Queer Cinema Bruce LaBruce's "The Raspberry Reich" is considered to be amongst the most radical. The sex is certainly explicit and it's nicely shot by James Carman though LaBruce's mixture of guns, sex, revolution and extreme left-wing politics is still a difficult pill to swallow. It might have helped if the acting or the script were any good, (they're terrible), but this is just a porn film with better camerawork and editing than most and what LaBruce assumes is a political agenda that will appeal to intellectuals. He shot it in Berlin but it could just as easily have been Budapest or Barking. You could view it as a comedy in bad taste though I doubt if it will make you smile. On the plus side it's marginally less boring than Godard's political pictures which might have benefited from a dose of explicit sex but don't take that as a recommendation.

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