Wednesday 1 August 2018


For what it is "Source Code" is just about perfect. It combines smart sci-fi with brilliant action sequences and a plot out of "Groundhog Day" as Jake Gyllenhaal has to keep reliving 8 minutes on board a Chicago-bound train as he attempts to find who has planted the bomb that's on board. The director is the highly talented young film-maker Duncan Jones, (son of David Bowie and whose earlier film, MOON, was one of the most pleasant surprises of recent years), and Gyllenhaal is remarkably good as the poor sap racing against time and not totally sure of what he's doing while Michelle Monaghan as the inevitable love interest on the train and Vera Farmiga as his contact in 'the real world' are equally fine. Ben Ripley wrote the smart, funny and highly original screenplay. Highly recommended.

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