Sunday 19 August 2018

MIX ME A PERSON no stars

Terrible but like a lot of bad films, undeniably entertaining, "Mix Me A Person" was a 'hard-hitting' (for that read, X certificate), British film dealing with crime, punishment, teenage delinquents and what appears to be the IRA. Anne Baxter, whose career was on a somewhat downward spiral at the time, is the psychiatrist trying to prove Adam Faith's innocence on a charge of murder. She also happens to be married to his barrister, Donald Sinden. Lots of flashbacks tell us that Adam is indeed innocent while in the present Anne takes on the role of investigating snoop. The dialogue, by Ian Dalrymple, is laughably bad as is Leslie Norman's insipid direction but it gallops along and it's always fun seeing someone like Baxter slumming it. Needless to say the film wasn't a success and has all but disappeared. Don't seek it out but should it come your way, you could do a lot worse.

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