Wednesday 26 June 2019


Just so long as you don't expect too much. "Ocean's Eight" takes the old "Ocean's Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen" formula, reduces the number and changes the gender; otherwise it's mostly business as usual. This time Danny Ocean's sister Debbie, (Sandra Bullock), recently released from prison, plans on stealing a 14.5 million dollar necklace with the help of her all-female crew. Since the girls include Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter and Rihanna you know you're in pretty good hands. Throw in Anne Hathaway as a celebrity bitch and what's not to love? Well, the script for one thing. It's far from bad but it is lack-luster. There are good lines and the heist itself is very neatly plotted, (they make it look so easy), and, of course, the movie looks terrific but it's not quite ingenious enough nor is it particularly new. The pleasures it offers come mostly from that cast who, if not at their best, at least seem to be enjoying themselves. Totally daft, maybe, but good mindless fun as well.

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