Thursday 6 June 2019


As big, dumb monster movies go they don't come any bigger, and certainly any dumber, than "Godzilla, King of the Monsters". It's neither a sequel to, and certainly not a remake of, any of the previous Godzilla films but just another addition to a franchise that should have been exterminated long before now. This is a Grade A turkey if I ever saw one, a film with neither stars nor actors, (sorry, Vera Farmiga; sorry, Sally Hawkins), in which all the money has been poured into the monsters, (and there are a lot of monsters), and the battles between the monsters which are then shot in either darkness or semi-darkness so it's virtually impossible to know what's going on. The plot could be written on a postage stamp and the special effects are wasted in a plethora of fast-cutting, stormy seas,and exploding mountains and while Godzilla may be the good guy, he's hardly in the picture at all.

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