Friday 14 June 2019


Another 'mad-woman-psycho-thriller' and a hugely enjoyable one. Usually, I find these kinds of films pretty reprehensible; I mean, for starters, they denigrate women but then how can you resist any film that features Isabelle Huppert going gaga over Chloe Grace Moretz. Huppert is Greta, a certifiable nutjob, given to leaving her handbag on the subway for impressionable young ladies to find and return them to her and Moretz is her latest catch.

I know I shouldn't call Greta a 'nutjob' and that I should find her sympathetic blah blah blah; after all, she is a sad, lonely and very sick woman in need of help but that's for another movie. This is schlock-horror from the same stable as "Straightjacket" and "Die, Die My Darling" where aging actresses in fright wigs were used to scare the living daylights out of us. Huppert may not be an aging actress in need of a career boost but she obviously knows a good, meaty role when she sees one and she's terrific. Moretz is also pretty good as the victim of Greta's misguided affection but this is Huppert's show. Seldom has chewing the scenery been this much fun.

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