Tuesday 2 October 2018


"Unknown" is just the kind of mystery thriller that Mr Hitchcock might have made once upon a time, which isn't to say that the Spanish director Jaume Collet-Serra hasn't delivered the goods. This is an old-fashioned, and dare I say it, thoroughly Hitchcockian thriller in which biochemist Liam Neeson finds himself caught up in a very bizarre plot while on a trip to Berlin that isn't fully explained until almost the very end and the less of which you know about the better.

It's not the greatest of thrillers but it is consistently engaging with a couple of first-rate car chases that make great use of the Berlin locations and an excellent supporting cast that includes Bruno Ganz and Frank Langella, the latter only on screen for a few minutes but walking away with the picture. As for Neeson, he may not be much of an actor but he knows how to carry a picture and for a man in his sixties he can give any action hero thirty years his junior a run for their money.

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