Friday 12 October 2018

A STAR IS BORN no stars

Do we really need another version of "A Star is Born"? You may ask did we ever need any of the previous versions but if nothing else they gave us Gaynor and March and Garland and Mason which, in anybody's book, is more than enough to be getting on with. Then, of course, there was that version with Miss Streisand who by then was already a star so the film was really a showcase for her talents. It helped that her co-star was Kris Kristofferson; his weaknesses showed up her strengths and it also had a very good song score.

Now we have a new version, even if not much has changed, and one that was presumably meant to launch a certain Lady Gaga on the big screen and, to be honest, as a movie it's pretty terrible but this is "A Star is Born" with a difference, the difference being that the film's male lead, Bradley Cooper, also directed the picture and for once this is a showcase, not for the leading lady, but for the leading man. Seldom have I seen a more shameless vanity project.

Here Miss Gaga, (sorry, Lady Gaga), is almost relegated to a supporting role as Mr Cooper hogs the screen. Admittedly he is very good and probably knows it. While all the talk is on Miss Gaga, (sorry, Lady Gaga), winning the Oscar I think Mr Cooper has always had his eye on making it a double. Will Miss, sorry Lady, Gaga win the Oscar? Personally I can't see it. I know shamelessly audience-pleasing performances have won countless times in the past but Lady, (ah, I got it at last), Gaga has nothing going for her but a damn good singing voice and a few good tunes.

As, in the other versions, our leading lady is given the final number, (in this case next year's Oscar-winning Best Song), and she performs it to the manor born but even here Mr Cooper, (dead at this stage of the film), has to get a look in with some flashbacks to earlier, happier times. Really sir, have you no shame!

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