Monday 22 October 2018


Even an excellent cast can't redeem this appalling and ridiculously plotted so-called thriller that Bette Davis and her then husband Gary Merrill made in Britain in 1951. She's a crime writer who has murdered her husband and he's a bank robber on the run who poses as the dead husband, (don't even think of asking how any of this came about). She's also having an affair with her secretary's finance, (Anthony Steel), and then there's always the nosy vet from the neighbouring farm, (Emlyn Williams). It was based on a play by the actor Leslie Sands and you can tell, (Val Guest, of all people, did the adaptation), and was directed by Irving Rapper. It's far from one of his best efforts. In what may be her worst performance Bette camps it up like a parody of herself with only Emlyn Williams coming out of it with something like his reputation intact. Needless to say, it wasn't a hit.

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