Monday 29 October 2018


 Directed by the American William K. Howard and produced by Erich Pommer this was England taking on Hollywood at their own game; an expensive all-star swashbuckling period piece with just enough propaganda to make it relevant to a country that, within two years, would be at war. It's a gorgeous looking picture, beautifully designed and superbly photographed by none other than James Wong Howe, making great use of both blacks and whites in the overall palette, (and how it was overlooked in both these categories at the Oscars I find it hard to believe).

Future real-life spouses Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh are the young lovers though neither gets star billing. That's reserved for Flora Robson as Elizabeth I and very good she is, as well as Leslie Banks as Robert Dudley. Raymond Massey is Philip of Spain and James Mason has a small role as a spy and there's a nice performance from Morton Selten as Lord Burleigh. It was, of course, a huge hit yet it isn't much seen these days which is a pity, for while it does err on the dull side on occasions, (a tighter script might have helped), overall it is very enjoyable.

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