Thursday 18 October 2018


Denis Villeneuve is fast becoming one of those directors whose every move you anticipate with a mixture of dread and pleasure. His films may not be easy watches but, by God, are they exciting and not just in content but in terms of style. His new movie  "Sicario" is the kind of visceral action-thriller you might have expected from the American cinema of the seventies just as its complex plot harks back to a time when mass audiences were expected to take their brains into the cinema with them as well as their popcorn.

Sicario, we are told, is the Mexican term for a hit-man and there are a lot of hits in this film which uses the drug wars only as a backdrop to a tale of revenge. It's a film that hardly ever pauses for breath and which contains at least two terrific set-pieces in which all the elements of pure cinema, (cinematography, editing, sound, scoring), are brought together to terrific effect. The DoP is the legendary Roger Deakins and this could prove to be the film that will finally win him that elusive Oscar. It's also superbly played by Emily Blunt, finally getting a part worthy of her talents, as well as Benicio Del Toro and Josh Brolin, both in Oscar-worthy form, as a pair of very dubious enforcers of law and order. This is terrific, nerve-shredding entertainment.

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