Saturday 20 October 2018


If "The Omen" and its first sequel "Damien; Omen II" were nothing more than decent and rather enjoyable entries in the Anti-Christ genre this, the second sequel, is a genuine classic; at least, a classic as far as bad movies are concerned. This is a howler of the first-order with Damien now fully grown and doing battle with a cabal of monks lead by a particularly worried-looking Rossano Brazzi. Damien himself is played, appallingly, by Sam Neill though Neill's bad acting is part of the fun. About midway through the Messiah is reborn, (you know, the Second Coming and all that), but since Damien doesn't know exactly which child born on that particular day is, as he calls him, the Nazarene he orders the killing of every child born on that date just as Herod did when he wanted to bump off the infant Jesus.

You might get the impression that as a conclusion to the trilogy they were rather grasping at straws and if they felt they really did need to bring the Messiah into it they could have done so with at least a degree of intelligence rather than reduce everything to the camp nonsense it so obviously is but then, of course, we were never meant to take any of this seriously in the first place. "The Final Conflict" is certainly enjoyable; I laughed out loud several times in the most inappropriate places though I felt a bit queasy as I pondered the relationship that seemed to be developing between the adult Damien and Lisa Harrow's young son and remember, however entertaining you might find it, it's still a load of old codswallop.

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