Monday 13 May 2019


This terrific little coming-of-age movie came out in 2004 and, despite a modicum of success on the festival circuit, seems to have disappeared without trace. It's the story of a handsome young Muslim teenage, Chimo. (Moa Khouas, excellent), and his infatuation with the beautiful blonde Lila, (Vahina Giocante, a natural). You could say it's very much a wish-fulfillment movie since Lila is the girl of every boy's dreams and is, apparently, up for grabs. The setting is the Arab quarter of Marseilles so there is a political element to the film, too, though the randy and ultimately violent youths on display could come from any city anywhere.

The Lebanese director, Ziad Doueiri, had already worked in Hollywood for Tarantino before returning to Europe where he made "West Beirut". This, his second film, really should have catapulted him into the big-time yet it was eight years before he directed again. Even if his career never really develops "Lila Says" will have earned him his footnote in film history.

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