Friday 17 May 2019


Nicole Kidman with 'ugly' make-up, (a little over-applied, if you ask me), is the LA detective with issues out to catch the demonic villain from her past and who was responsible for screwing up her life. This means we jump back in time to when Kidman was a much prettier young undercover detective, (this time made up to look much younger than her actual 51 years), infiltrating said villain's gang, a mission that leads to a heist that goes badly wrong. Catching Silas now, (for that is the name of the said villain played grimly by Toby Kebbell), will, she hopes, lead to closure of a sort.

As a crime movie Karyn Kusama's "Destroyer" is slow and detailed with a couple of beautifully executed action sequences. The fact that in the present day sequences Kidman is working alone and with impunity might make it feel a little less credible than if she had a partner but that's a minor quibble in a movie that has a touch of the Michael Mann's about it while Kidman is always good value for money. Nice too to see a feminist take on what is usually a fundamentally male-orientated genre even if it could to with a trim here and there.

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