Monday 1 April 2019


No-one's finest hour. This inexplicably popular 'comedy' actually spawned a sequel. ("Where Angels go, Trouble Follows!"), though once round the block should be enough for anyone. It's set in a school for girls run by nuns though these are no "Magdalene Sisters". This is all sweetness and light and sentimentality with a 'tyrannical' Mother Superior who is more Glinda than the Wicked Witch of the West. Rosalind Russell does what she can with the part and other nuns include Binnie Barnes and Mary Wickes, who played nuns so often she should have been canonised. Principal among the girls is Haley Mills who was 20 at the time but who could still pass as a teenager. Gypsy Rose Lee also turns up, very briefly, as a teacher of 'interpretive dance' while an uncredited Jim Hutton also gets his couple of minutes in the shade. This real surprise is that this sentimental mess was directed by none other than Ida Lupino for whom obviously this was nothing more than a job of work. Hopefully they paid her well, (it was her last film as a director though she continued to act and direct for television). With a better script this might have amounted to something; as it is it is eminently missable.

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