Wednesday 10 April 2019


"Mighty Aphrodite" is a minor, low-key Woody Allen picture but it did win Mira Sorvino an Oscar for Best Supporting Actress and she really is very good. She's a hooker and 'adult movie actress' (going by the name of Judie Cum) who happens to be the birth mother of the child Woody and wife Helena Bonham-Carter have adopted and Woody is determined to meet her, (he's curious to find out where his son gets his brains; not from Judie, by all accounts). Apart from Woody's profession as a sports writer and Helena running an art-gallery this is one of the few Woody films not up to its eyes in culture, (ok, so it's got a Greek Chorus, a device that works only sporadically). It's also neither as deep nor as funny as it thinks it is but it's worth seeing if only for Sorvino and a nice turn from Michael Rappaport's sweet but very dumb boxer.

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