Tuesday 30 April 2019


A surfeit of CGI and too much monkeying around are the ruin of this resurrection of the Tarzan myth. Having exhausted all other possibilities this one, like the vastly superior  "Greystoke; the Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes" gives Tarzan his due as the Earl of Greystoke where he's ensconced when the picture opens. He only returns to Africa to find out what the pesky King of the Belgians is up to, running up against his old nemesis Chief Mbonga, (a suitably statuesque Djimon Hounsou), and the villainous Leon Rom, (a suitably nasty Christop Waltz). He's accompanied by the missus, (Margot Robbie), and a sharp-shooting American diplomat, (a wasted Samuel L Jackson). In the end, of course, it's Tarzan himself who holds this mess of a picture together and Alexander Skarsgard certainly looks the part, in or out of his clothes. Unfortunately the thinness of the plot doesn't help and there is a distinct lack of imagination in David Yates' direction which orchestrates every jungle cliche imaginable leaving you pining for the days of Johnny Weissmuller, Gordon Scott and even Jock Mahoney.

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