Monday 8 April 2019


 Another movie about making a movie by someone clearly in love with the cinema but not afraid to poke fun at the source of his 'adoration'. Yes, it's Wim Wenders, clearly in his element and in Lisbon where sound engineer Phillip Winter, (a hang-dog Rudiger Vogler), finds himself a character in search of a director; the filmmaker he was supposed to meet there has disappeared, so he embarks on a voyage of discovery around the city recording what he hears.

It is, then, both a valentine to cinema and a road movie of sorts, (no surprise there). It's also minor Wenders. Here he is a character in search of a proper script and the film's at its best when it contents itself to be nothing more than a love letter to the city itself. Still, even minor Wenders is a cut above the best of many of his contemporaries so this is well worth seeking out while the music of the group Madredeus is absolutely fabulous.

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