Sunday 1 March 2020

THE TRIP no stars

No list of 'so-bad-they're-almost-good-but-not-quite-they're-still-bad' movies would be complete without the inclusion of Roger Corman's 1967 psychedelic 'classic' "The Trip". This was Corman's attempt to cash in on the counter-culture of sex, drugs and what, I guess, passed for rock 'n roll at the time and among those trippin', man, were Peter Fonda, Bruce Dern, Dennis Hopper and Susan Strasberg. It looked great in a pop-art kind of way but there's no script to speak of, (Jack Nicholson 'wrote' it, presumably on the back of a small envelope), and the acting is non-existent. Needless to say the Brits were having none of it and it was banned in the UK, no doubt to preserve us from its corrupting influence. It didn't work; we still turned on, tuned in and dropped out and we certainly didn't need howlers like this to help us on our way.

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