Sunday 15 March 2020


Originally denied a certificate in the UK Sergio Martino's Giallo "The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh" is stylish, violent and sexy in equal measure, even in this dubbed version. It's the type of film that does exactly what it says on the tin and fans of the genre certainly won't be disappointed. Personally, I've never really seen the attraction of badly dubbed sexploitation pictures in which beautiful women get hacked to death in gloating close-up while either a discordantly jangly or quasi-religious score throbs away in the background.

Here a serial slasher is terrorising women in Vienna and terrorised ambassador's wife Julie Wardh, (the gorgeous Edwige Fenech), suspects it's her ex-lover Jean. Of course, Mrs Wardh has a strange vice in that she enjoys kinky, rough sex and what Giallo would be complete without a dollop or three of kinky, rough sex and several more dollops of explicit female nudity not to mention a whole barrel load of red-herrings. Just the kind of thing that might have played in the cinemas of Soho (or Derry's Palace Picturehouse), back in the day and very enjoyable it is too.

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