Thursday 26 March 2020


Not a lot happens in this film from Costa Rica about famly life and yet the detail is superb. Although scripted, acted and designed it could be a documentary about a young wife and mother's dissatisfaction with her life. Isa, (a lovely, naturalistic performance from Daniela Valenciano), has an attentive, loving if demanding husband and two young girls. She works as a seamstress and they get by reasonably well but her husband wants another child and she's afraid that if she gets pregnant again it will rob her of whatever little freedom she has left.

"The Awakening of the Ants" is a feminist take on domesticity beautifully directed by Antonella Sudasassi with as much affection as pique. She condemns no-one; there are no villains in the picture, just ordinary people dealing with what life throws at them on a daily basis and I am sure there are millions of us who could identify with Isa and her husband. It's a small film that deals with 'small' issues but it's also very appealing with characters you actually care about; something you can't say about too many films these days.

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