Monday 2 March 2020


You won't see too many films like Jessie Jeffrey Dunn Rovinelli's "So Pretty" which, you're probably saying to yourself, is a good thing. It's a seemingly plotless look at the lives of a group of gay and transgender people living in a communal situation, one of whom is Rovinelli herself, (Rovenelli not only directed the picture and acts in it but is also the producer, the writer and the editor). Nothing actually happens; most of the time they just eat, make love or read from a script which probably reflects the film we're watching and is apparently based on a book by Ronald M. Schernikau. I haven't read it but I don't think if I had I would be any of the wiser. Usually I find this kind of experimental film-making a real turn off but these people are so attractive and such pleasant company I actually found the film quite engaging. A one-off to be sure but not one to be dismissed either.

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