Friday 1 March 2019


More dirty politics and particularly prescient in the time of Trump. Elizabeth Sloane is a lobbyist whose failure to get into bed with the NRA seems to be her undoing, especially when she decides to change sides. It may or may not prove to be a smart move but this is a smart movie with a cracker of a script from Jonathan Perera, a typically high-powered performance from the always reliable Jessica Chastain and a terrific supporting cast that includes Mark Strong, John Lithgow, Michael Stuhlbarg, Sam Waterson, Alison Pill and Gugu Mbatha-Raw.

It looks good and it sounds good but it's not likely to please the multiplex crowd; no matter how you dress it up, politics just aren't sexy and any plot concerning gun-control means you have to take your brain into the cinema with you, something most people aren't prepared to do these days so while Miss Sloane may be good at her job, and by all accounts no slouch in bed either, she will be fighting a losing battle at the box-office.

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