"Mama" is an old dark house, B-Movie
horror flic given a bright new shiny coat of paint together with a
smattering of "L'Enfant Sauvage" psychology amid the, admittedly
goose-bump inducing, chills. It also features a couple of surprisingly
good performances from Isabelle Nelisse and Morgan McGarry as the two
little girls who share a somewhat unhealthy relationship with Mama, the
rather malevolent spirit of the title. They are found in a cabin in the
woods five years after their father took them there after killing their
mother. He would have killed them too only Mama intervened and she's
been looking after them ever since. Now they are living with their uncle
and his kooky girlfriend, (a superb Jessica Chastain), but Mama has
moved in as well and she's certainly not prepared to leave them in the
care of a couple of interlopers.

This is a good, old-fashioned
ghost story rather than a slasher movie or a tale of demonic possession
with a genuinely frightening ghost and director Andy Muschietti
certainly knows how to make us jump which marks "Mama" as quite a
considerable cut above most run-of-the-mill genre pictures of this kind.
If it isn't quite a classic it certainly enough to give you the
occasional sleepless night.
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