Saturday 23 March 2019


A rom-com for the old folks. I mean, why should the kids have all the fun, right? But if you think "It's Complicated!" is fun, think again. This is a Nancy Myers film, (she wrote and directed it), and she obviously thinks she's doing her bit for the blue-rinse brigade. Tuesday afternoons movies are cheap so we pensioners want something to go to. Give me "Inglorious Basterds" any day; Hell, I'd even settle for a "Nightmare on Elm Street".

Of course, it's unlikely this would have been made at all had Nancy not been able to talk Meryl into playing the central character of an older woman who has an affair with her ex-husband, (Alec Baldwin, better than the material), but falls for sweet, divorced architect Steve Martin, (a chipmunk could have played his part). Now Meryl is entitled to lighten up now and again, ("Mamma Mia" was a lot of fun), but for God's sake at least give her some dialogue worth saying. Hopefully everyone got very well paid for this as I can't imagine them wanting it on their C.V's.

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