Monday 2 December 2019


A big, thick best-selling novel has become a big, thick slice of Hollywood ham. "The Valley of Decision" may not be much of a movie but thanks to its all-star cast and the big thick plot, it is very enjoyable. At forty-one Greer Garson was a tad on the old side as the new, young Irish maid to the Scott family, well-to-do mill owners in Pittsburgh, where she falls in love with her employer's son, Gregory Peck, in real life twelve years Garson's junior.

Needless to say, their romance doesn't blossom since there is bad blood between their fathers and trouble at the mill. Garson's father is the perpetually hammy Lionel Barrymore, (who else), while Peck's is the perpetually stiff Donald Crisp, (who else), and others in the large cast include Gladys Cooper, (in one of her rare 'nice' roles), Dan Duryea, Marsha Hunt, Marshall Thompson, (showing great promise), and a young Jessica Tandy as the socialite determined to get her claws into Peck. It was, of course, a huge hit and Garson got another Oscar nomination, despite being miscast. As for Tay Garnett's direction, let's just say he didn't let it get in the way of the story.

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