Thursday 5 December 2019


A metaphysical murder mystery directed by Britain's Carol Morley but set in New Orleans, moving at a funereal pace, taken in turn from a novel by Martin Amis and not only mystifying but art-house pretentious at times, "Out of Blue" really ought to be a total dog of a movie and yet its very weirdness and a couple of excellent performances, (Patricia Clarkson, Jacki Weaver), sustain it.

Clarkson is the detective investigating the murder of physicist Mamie Gummer, a murder that has all the hallmarks of those of a long dormant serial killer. Given that Clarkson proceeds in an almost catatonic state with suspects popping up out of the woodwork this isn't your typical thriller. Indeed it's hardly 'thrilling' at all but it's always interesting. James Caan is the dead girl's father, a superb Jacki Weaver is her mother and Toby Jones, a very nervy suspect. I haven't read Amis' original novel; perhaps it explains more than the film does but this is sure to divide audiences every which way.

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