Hollywood being Hollywood, it didn't take them long to cash in on 9/11 with this terrorist attack movie in which a host of Asian terrorists, (very North Korean), slaughter half of Washington D.C. and take over the White House, holding the President hostage. "Olympus Has Fallen" is extremely violent, at times appallingly so, and suffers in being much too similar to "White House Down" which came out at the same time. It may be technically proficient but is also in very bad taste.
A good supporting cast, (Aaron Eckhart as the President, Morgan Freeman, Angela Bassett, Melissa Leo, Robert Forster as various officials), suffer stoically while Gerard Butler saves the world. As the bad guys, Dylan McDermott and especially Rick Yune have the best of it and are obviously relishing their roles. Unfortunately this is just the kind of nonsense a certain incumbent President might actually take seriously, thinking he's watching a documentary.

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