Monday 18 November 2019


A psychological drama more than a psychological thriller, Francois Ozon's "Under the Sand" gives Charlotte Rampling one of her best roles, gamely seized with both hands, as a woman whose husband disappears while o
n holiday. Ozon details her subsequent emotional breakdown in almost forensic detail as she comes to believe he's still with her, totally denying his absence as Ozon muddies the water by having the husband, (Bruno Cremer), with her on screen during these scenes.

It was only Ozon's fourth feature and already it demonstrated his versatility being markedly different from the three films that preceded it, (he would later go on to show his mastery of almost every genre). What really distinguishes this from similar films is the simplicity of tone and the almost total lack of drama. It was also the film that really established Ozon as a major player in French cinema and he hasn't looked back since.

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