Thursday 7 November 2019


A tragic accident on a lake in which 21 people died is the catalyst that kicks off this surreal comedy-drama about the Mossack-Fonseca scandal and what came to be known as the Panama Papers. It's certainly entertaining but too cartoonish, (not to mention, too complicated), to really hit home despite an all-star cast headed by Meryl Streep as a woman whose husband was one of the lake victims and whose digging into what turned out to be one hell of a giant fraud brought matters to a head.
Others involved include Gary Oldman, (outstanding), as Mossack and Antonio Banderas as Fonseca as well as Sharon Stone, David Schwimmer, Jeffrey Wright and Matthias Schoenaerts. The director is Steven Soderbergh and this is one of his 'entertainments' but it's one of his lesser ones. It's like an illustrated lecture but one where the lecturer is so unsure of his material he has to keep cracking jokes, not all of them that funny. It's certainly not a complete disaster but once it's over you're unlikely to remember a single moment.

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