Friday 8 November 2019

ALL IS TRUE no stars

You certainly can't fault the look of Kenneth Branagh's "All is True" or Branagh's desire to get it right. This is his film about the last days of a certain William Shakespeare, Esquire, playwright and poet of this parish and Branagh plays Shakespeare, (naturally). The script is by Ben Elton and it does feel like one artist's, (or in this case, two artist's), tribute to another though it's clear that Elton and Branagh are no Bards. This may be a gorgeous looking film, well acted, especially by Ian McKellen as the Earl of Southampton and the object of Will's deepest affection, (it would appear Mr Shakespeare was at least bisexual), but otherwise very much on the dull side. There is drama to be had from the material, (intrigues etc. amongst the family), but it never comes to life. This is an airless film that just about creeps along. Kudos and prizes certainly to Cinematographer Zac Nicholson; otherwise very much a waste of time.

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