Monday 17 December 2018


"The Guilt Trip" really ought to have been a lot funnier than it is but this sentimental mother and son bonding picture takes a long time to get going and even when it finally does it never builds up anything like a head of steam. Fundamentally this road movie is nothing more than a vehicle for Barbra Streisand, (looking terrific, by the way), in the biggest part she's had in years. She pulls out all the stops and injects as much humour into the part as the feeble script allows. The son who ends up driving cross country with her, (don't even think of asking why), is Seth Rogen and it's almost impossible to decide which of the two is more annoying.

The director is someone called Anne Fletcher who clearly hasn't a clue about comedy or indeed film-making or could it possibly be that she was so in awe of being constantly in the presence of The Greatest Star, (she is by far and everyone knows it), that she forgot about everything and everyone else or could I be missing something entirely and this is really a psychodrama about fraught family relationships chock full of Freudian undertones? Whatever, it's still mostly mediocre fare.

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