Thursday 13 December 2018

SINISTER no stars

As horror movies go, "Sinister"
displays more imagination than most and produces the requisite number of chills. Unfortunately all this happens in the last 15 minutes or so. Up until then this is mostly a case of missed opportunities to scare the living daylights out of us as true-crime writer Ethan Hawke and his family move into a house where four people were murdered so that he can write a book about the events. It's the kind of film in which no-one acts rationally but then in horror movies no-one acts rationally anyway; if they did there would be no movie. It also doesn't help that Hawke is such an annoyingly smug son-of-a-bitch, (no change there, then), about whom we don't give a damn and yet he's really the only real character in the film. There are certainly worse horror movies, (this one is surprisingly gore-free), but you still have to sit through a lot of dross to get to the good bits.

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