Saturday 8 December 2018


"Hyde Park on Hudson"is so light and gossamer thin as to practically evaporate before our eyes and yet it has its own peculiar charm. It's about a visit to America by King George VI and Queen Elizabeth in 1939, basically to drum up support from FDR for the war effort and it's all seen through the eyes of Daisy Suckley, the president's 5th cousin and, as it turns out, one of his several mistresses. But this isn't a film about politics or history or even relationships. You mi ght say that if it's about anything it's about the past filtered through the haze of time and considering the personages involved and the significance of the events portrayed, not a great deal actually happens. The director is Roger Michell who has done better, more substantial work but it is often very well acted. Bill Murray is remarkably good as Roosevelt and Laura Linney gives Daisy a surprisingly steely backbone. As the royal couple Samuel West and Olivia Coleman are both excellent while Olivia Williams gives Eleanor more charm that she probably had. A minor film then but a hard one to dislike.

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