Thursday 6 September 2018


The subject matter of the Dardenne's "Two Days, One Night" is unusual, to say the least, for a mainstream movie in this day and age, (though perhaps not for the Dardenne's who have made their name from squeezing the 'drama' out of dramatic material). It's about industrial relations, or rather it's about one woman fighting to keep her job, concentrating to a large degree on her psychological state over the short period of the film and there's no denying that Marion Cotillard is very good in the part and yet I never felt involved. In truth, nothing very much happens; Marion spends her time going round her co-workers asking each of them in turn to vote for her in a secret ballot. After a time this gets very dull indeed. It's certainly an intelligent film and it's nicely done but over this, give me the hysteria and the melodrama of "Norma Rae" any day.

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