Friday 14 September 2018


Before Jack Nicholson was catapulted to stardom when he took over the role of George Hanson that was ear-marked for Rip Torn in "Easy Rider", he appeared in movies like "The Terror" in what you might call the juvenile lead. The actual lead, or at least the name above the title, was Boris Karloff, being given something of a new lease of life by producer/director Roger Corman. (When Peter Bogdanovitch made "Targets", Corman insisted he use footage from "The Terror" in the film being 'revived' to honour its star, played naturally by Karloff).

Actually "The Terror"isn't quite as bad as has been made out, at least when set beside the the appalling quickies Corman had been turning out previously and while it may not be quite in the same class as the Poe movies, it's surprisingly professional, looks good and is very entertaining. As well as Corman, others involved behind the credits included Floyd Crosby and Monte Hellman.

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