Saturday 9 May 2020


Little did I ever think I would enjoy a movie about Thomas Edison, (Benedict Cumberbatch, very good), and his 'discovery' of electricity but "The Current War", which pits Edison against the industrialist George Westinghouse, (an even better Michael Shannon), is a real surprise with a smart, witty and engrossing script by Michael Mitnick and fine direction from Alfonso Gomez-Rejon. It's certainly not a film that will find a mass audience but it's one of the better biopics, though strictly speaking it isn't really a biopic and if it is, it's the biography of electricity and not its inventor and it's constructed like a thriller and a chase movie and even though we may know how the chase ends there are enough ups, downs and diversions along the way to keep us entertained. It's also beautifully designed and acted and, no pun intended, it moves at the speed of light and all lovers of cinema will surely get a little lump in their throats by the end.

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