Saturday 23 May 2020


"The Client" is one of the better big-screen adaptations of a John Grisham novel and it's largely down to a terrific cast. some of who weren't even 'names' at the time. The plot is fairly typical Grisham, (a witness to a killing needs to be protected from the killers), but the twist here is that the killing was a suicide, the victim a mob lawyer who blurted out where the body was hidden before blowing his brains out and the witness, an eleven year old street-wise kid.

It's a decent thriller plot and it does make for an entertaining picture but it's given quite a lift by a whole host of superb actors with Susan Sarandon taking the lioness' share of the honors, (she won the BAFTA), as the hard-nosed lawyer the kid hires. Other lawyers determined to bring down the mob include Tommy Lee Jones, J.T, Walsh, Bradley Whitford and Anthony Heald while Anthony La Paglia is the principal bad guy and there's a very nice supporting performance from the great Will Patton as the kind of policeman you're not sure if you can trust or not. Brad Renfro is the kid. Unfortunately, the director was Joel Schmuacher who doesn't bring a lot of imagination to the party but keeps things moving along in predictable fashion. A better director might have turned this into a classic.

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