Thursday 2 April 2020


A home invasion movie with a difference. "The Occupant" is a slow-burn of a Spanish thriller that has a nice idea but which just crawls along, building suspense at a snail's pace. Javier, (Javier Gutierrez), has lost his job and is forced to give up his expensive Barcelona apartment so naturally, what do you think he does? He finds a spare set of keys and sneaks in when the new tenants are out. Then he insinuates himself into their lives planning on destroying the husband's career, marriage and just about everything else he holds dear.

It's a reasonably well made psychological thriller about a dangerously psychotic individual but it lacks credibility. A sub-plot involving a paedophile feels very manufactured while Gutierrez gives a strictly one-note performance. On the plus side it's nicely shot by Pau Castejan. Like I said, a nice idea lost in a film with too many red herrings.

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