Thursday 16 April 2020

DORIAN GRAY no stars

You won't get too many Wildean epigrams in this dire updating of "The Picture of Dorain Gray" to Swinging London and hot spots further afield. now retitled simply "Dorian Gray". It's an Italian/British/West German co-production, (most of the cast are dubbed), directed, (very badly), by Massimo Dallamano and starring the admittedly beautiful Helmut Berger as Dorian. Berger had the perfect face for the park; blankly handsome with the emphasis on the blank. He was a very limited actor whose face seldom betrayed any emotion; just right, in other words.

Unfortunately, Dallamano reduces it all to the level of soft Eurotrash porn though to be fair it is nicely photographed and does make good use of its locations. Richard Todd is Basil and Herbert Lom is Henry Wotton, (he's the one dishing out the epigrams), but their talents are totally wasted. In fact, outside of what were commonly called 'the dirty mac brigade' I can't imagine what audience this was intended for and ultimately it's really quite offensive. Avoid at all costs.

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