Wednesday 19 February 2020


Can a film top-heavy with jargon, computer-speak and all sorts of things I personally am not familiar with be interesting? I mean, as far the subject matter goes Kim Nguyen's "The Hummingbird Project" might as well have been in a foreign language without subtitles yet this picture about a couple of computer geeks, (Jesse Eisenberg and Alexander Skaarsgard), striking out on their own to make millions is both a lot
of fun and ultimately very moving even if you can't always make sense of it.

This is largely due to the thoroughly obnoxious and yet totally brilliant Eisenberg in his best geeky mode while the usually ultra-handsome Skaarsgard, now with bald head and glasses to up his geek level, tunrs in a lovely serio-comic performance. Unfortunately Salma Hayek is totally miscast as the high-powered executive they go up against but since almost everyone was talking double-dutch her performance didn't seem that out of place. Of course, despite the comedy-thriller element, (will they succeed? will they get caught?), and the strong human interest story this sure isn't going to pack them in on a Saturday night. However, give yourself over to its oddball charms and you may be very pleasantly surprised.

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