Thursday 27 February 2020


This exceedingly nasty little horror film takes a genuinely serious topic, (illegal Mexican immigrants looking for work and taking whatever job, no matter how demeaning, well-heeled Americans will dish out), and subverting it so it's the poor immigrants we pity and who are well and truly trounced by the psycho bitch and her husband who hires them. It's a kind of home invasion movie in reverse and it's in the worst possible taste.

The problem is that as it progresses both the situation and the violence becomes more cartoonish and Lynn Collins' performance as the leading nutcase isn't just nutty but positively barking mad. Also it seems unlikely that the strapping hunks they've hired couldn't have overpowered their captors from the beginning. I know there is a (satirical) point to all of this but as a picture of Trump's America it's just too crude to be really effective.

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