Monday 28 October 2019


Starting with a very unlikely premise, (16 year old Mariano finds a gun and for no apparent reason shoots himself twice but survives), Martin Rejtman's "Two Shots Fired" then proceeds off in all manner of different directions as the people in Mariano's orbit, (family, friends, acquaintances and people he doesn't know at all), come and go and communicate in short sentences as if to the beat of a metronome. You could say it's a movie about 'real life' but not as we know it, neither a comedy nor a tragedy but some strange hybrid of both with Rejtman cementing his reputation as the Argentinian Kaurismaki. The one-note performances are pitch-perfect though it is hard to feel anything for anyone just as it's almost impossible to identify with any of the characters. That said, it's totally unlike anything else; from shot to shot you're never quite sure where it's going to go next. Quite wonderful, in fact, if you're in the right mood.

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