"Cold Weather" wasn't just written and directed by Aaron Katz but edited by him as well and while it does give off that 'labour of love' vibe, it also feels more than a little self-indulgent, too. Katz is a very 'indie' filmmaker who uses actors we don't know, (hence they feel like 'real' people), in good, off-the-beaten-track locations, keeping his plots reasonably thin. So far, so interesting. Unfortunately, he isn't much good at writing dialogue and his 'unknown' actors aren't strong enough to deliver it and make it...well, interesting. In fact, you might go so far as to say "Cold Weather" is a boring film about boring people leading boring lives.

However, a few things go some way, if not quite to redeeming the film, then at least to giving it a little lift. There's always the hang-dog face of leading actor Chris Lankenau who looks perpetually spaced-out, I wouldn't go so far as to call what he does 'acting' but at least he does look like a real slacker. Then there's his excellent use of those locations and finally there is something resembling 'a plot'. Katz obviously felt he was making a kind of indie neo-noir about a disappearing girl and a couple of amateur detectives. It doesn't really go anywhere but it just about holds our attention before the film evaporates before our eyes, which is a pity as I have a feeling Katz might have talent; maybe he just needs someone else to write his scripts.
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