Saturday 2 February 2019


The opening credits of "The Brown Bunny"tells us that it was written, directed, produced and edited by Vincent Gallo, (we also learn it was photographed by him, too, and badly), and he is the first person we see. In fact, we see a lot of Vincent Gallo in this movie which you might consider a vanity project were it not for the fact that he does nothing to ingratiate himself with his audience. If anything he keeps us at a distance, though not far enough for my liking, as he dispenses with anything as simple as a plot as he pays homage to, presumably Monte Hellman, as he drives to California occasionally stopping to chat to a few women on the way, one of whom, Chloe Sevigny, gives him a blow-job. Well, better a blow-job than no job, I say, for Mr Gallo is a drifter and this terrible movie drifts very, very slowly for about 90 minutes or so to its, ahem, climax. Excruciating.

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