Sunday 20 January 2019


Clarence Brown at his most pious, some might say at this most sick-making. "The Human Comedy" was his film of small-town American life in the early years of World War Two, (the film was made in 1943), and was based on William Saroyan's story, (he won the Oscar for it). It's unbearably sentimental, (did families really live like this in the 20th century or is it all just a fantasy?). It's told, presumably from Heaven, by the dead Ray Collins, head of the Macauley clan. He left behind saintly widow Fay Bainter and kids Van Johnson, Donna Reed, little Butch Jenkins and Mickey Rooney who was nominated for the Oscar, as indeed were Brown, Cinematographer Harry Stradling and the film itself. It's dreadful but it was a big hit. Watch it if you must but make sure you have a large bucket handy.

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