Sunday 29 July 2018


THE STRANGERS is one of the best in the recent crop of 'horror' movies in which people are terrorised in their homes by forces, real or imagined, outside of their control. In this case those forces are very real indeed and the movie is suitably unnerving, (writer/director Bryan Bertino uses sound to superb, unsettling effect). There's even a touch of the Michael Hanekes about it though the film isn't as direct in challenging our complicity in what we are watching as, say, a FUNNY GAMES or a BENNY'S VIDEO. We're more in HALLOWEEN territory here with masked boogie-men suddenly appearing at the corner of the screen. A pre-credit announcement informs us that this is based on actual events, which may or may not be true but even if it isn't, Bertino's film is still a sufficient guarantee of a sleepless night.

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